My Journey to Starting Sharp Shot: Passion, Inspiration, and the Power of Nootropics

My Journey to Starting Sharp Shot: Passion, Inspiration, and the Power of Nootropics

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. I was no exception. At one point, I found myself juggling two demanding jobs, one of which was at an Amazon warehouse. The grind was relentless, and I barely had any time to myself. It was during this period of my life that I realised something crucial: I missed having time to pursue my passions, particularly my love for coffee.

My journey into the world of coffee began around 2018 when I moved out of my parents' house. My dad gifted me a Moka pot, and it quickly became a daily ritual. There was something profoundly satisfying about the process of making coffee from scratch. That Christmas, I received a coffee grinder, and my university days were fuelled by freshly ground coffee every morning.

During the lockdown, my passion for coffee intensified. I used my Moka pot so much that I decided to upgrade to a 9Barista, a stovetop espresso machine that makes real espresso. To this day, it's a staple in my daily routine, providing me with the perfect start to each morning.

My love for coffee was further nurtured by regular coffee dates with my girlfriend, who managed a coffee shop. Her expertise and the free coffees she would hook me up with deepened my appreciation for the craft. It wasn't just about the caffeine; it was about the experience, the flavour, and the community that coffee brought into my life.

Last Christmas I was gifted "The Business of Specialty Coffee" by Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood. This book was a game-changer. It opened my eyes to the world of the coffee business and sparked a desire to create something of my own. The idea of blending my love for coffee with entrepreneurship was exciting...

Fast forward to February of this year, I found myself increasingly frustrated with my morning routine. I was having multiple sweet drinks to get my supplements in, and it just didn't sit right with me. That's when the idea hit me; why not create a nootropic infused coffee? A drink that not only provides the perfect cup of coffee but also offers the cognitive benefits of nootropics.

And so, my journey began. Fuelled by my passion for coffee and a desire to create something unique, I set out on the adventure of starting my own coffee company. It's been a ride, but every step has been incredibly rewarding. I wake up every day excited about it, driven by a vision to share the perfect blend of coffee and nootropics with the world.

From the humble beginnings with my Moka pot to the ambitious leap into entrepreneurship, I hope my story inspires others to pursue their passions and find their own perfect blend in life.

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