We Are Now Live

We Are Now Live

I'm thrilled to announce that our nootropic infused ground coffee is now officially live and available for purchase! This journey has been a wild road of inspiration, challenges, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you!

Inspiration and Vision

The seed for this business was planted when I read "The Business of Specialty Coffee" by Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood. The book opened my eyes to the incredible potential within the world of speciality coffee and sparked something in me to create something unique. Coupled with my growing interest in supplementation and cognitive enhancement, I envisioned a product that would combine speciality coffee with the brain-boosting benefits of nootropics. I felt like I simply wanted my daily supplement stack in my morning cup of coffee...

The Journey

Initially, I tried to create ready-to-drink coffee shots infused with nootropics. However, I quickly realised the logistical challenges involved in producing this (however its not to say it wont be coming soon...). So, I pivoted to a more accessible solution: ground coffee with nootropics. This way, everyone can enjoy a freshly brewed cup at home, with the added benefits of cognitive enhancement.

This wasn't an easy journey though, securing grant funding proved to be more difficult than I thought, and I faced loads of rejections. Despite reaching out to hundreds of suppliers, finding the right one took time and perseverance. I'm proud to say that I finally found a supplier who shares my vision and commitment to quality.

Regulatory challenges also propped up, requiring me to remove L-theanine from our formula. This meant reprinting our labels, resulting in wasted labels and additional costs. But every challenge was a lesson, and each step brought me closer to launching a product I'm genuinely proud of.

Launch and Excitement

Now, we are fully launched and online! This coffee isn't just a product for me; it's a combination of my passion, dedication, and belief in the potential of nootropics to enhance our daily lives.

Join the Journey

I invite you all to join me on this exciting journey. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast, a productivity seeker, or someone curious about the benefits of nootropics, our product is designed with you in mind.

Thank you for your support and for being part of this adventure. Let's brew a brighter, more focused future together!

Much love,

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